Table of Contents
Arizky Damayanti, Fadilah Nur Barokah, Bakti Fatwa Anbiya
201 - 210
Classification of Nek Ali Coffee’s customers using the fishers method
DOI:  10.52626/jg.v6i3.264
Khairul Umam, Suhartati Suhartati, M Hasbi, Dwi Fadhiliani, Annisa Dewi
211 - 219
Public space as a tourism object: the existence of Pakui Sayang Park in Makassar City
DOI:  10.52626/jg.v6i3.278
Ahmadin Ahmadin
220 -225
The effectiveness of inquiry-based learning towards eleventh graders reading comprehension on analytical exposition text
DOI:  10.52626/jg.v6i3.272
Kristian Burhan, Yona Syaida Oktira, Helfany Amsa, Rahmat Debi
226 - 233
Reusam idang meulapeh in commemorating the prophet's Maulid tradition: a study in the Pidie District, Aceh Province, Indonesia
DOI:  10.52626/jg.v6i3.298
Lasri Lasri, R Roslina, R Riswan
234 - 242
The effectiveness of Qanun Aceh No. 9/2004 and Qanun Aceh No 6. 2014 in solving khalwat cases in Sawang District
DOI:  10.52626/jg.v6i3.265
Fauzah Nur Aksa, Herinawati Herinawati, Muhammad Nasir, Rahmatul Amna
243 - 249
The effectiveness of utilizing output details in evaluation of government work plans 2023
DOI:  10.52626/jg.v6i3.310
Rani Dewi
250 -261
Implementation of the Family Hope Program (PKH) in providing social protection to the people Cot Karieng
DOI:  10.52626/jg.v6i3.270
FNU Munadissidqi, Hasbi Ali, Yusrijal Abdar
262 - 270
Policy implementation of direct cash assistance program as an effort to handle Covid-19 in Dukuh village, Cikupa District, Tangerang District
DOI:  10.52626/jg.v6i3.293
Mela Mela, Ilham Aji Pangestu, Imam Rahmaddani
271 - 278