Table of Contents
Analysis of using capacitors in 3-phase induction generators to get constant voltage
DOI:  10.52626/jg.v6i1.208
Mahdi Syukri
1 - 10
Analysis of labor productivity on the production of parts bs-62632-60m00 at Putra Kemuning Company
DOI:  10.52626/jg.v6i1.221
Arbaeni Arba
11 - 23
Classification of ability of mathematics education students of FKIP Syiah Kuala University 2019 viewed from affective and cognitive aspect
DOI:  10.52626/jg.v6i1.223
Khairul Umam
24 - 34
The role of village apparatus in drafting the Qanun Gampong (village regulations): A study in Lamtutui Village, Peukan Bada, Aceh Besar District
DOI:  10.52626/jg.v6i1.230
Teuku Muttaqin Mansur, M Adli Abdullah, Nellyana Roesa, Yunita Yunita, Sulaiman Sulaiman, Lia Sautunnida
35 - 43
Building the character of unity through a STEAM approach in elementary schools
DOI:  10.52626/jg.v6i1.197
Yayuk Hidayah, Rossi Iskandar, Intan Kusmayanti, Nadya Putri Saylendra
44 - 50
Improving exposition writing proficiency through the application of problem based learning method for senior high school students
DOI:  10.52626/jg.v6i1.204
Rasyimah Rasyimah, Ayadi Ayadi, Dewi Kumala Sari
51 - 59
Student predictions in choosing mathematics study program at FKIP and FMIPA Syiah Kuala University
DOI:  10.52626/jg.v6i1.224
Suhartati Suhartati
60 - 70
Local government policy in the watershed management of cisadane river on Banten Province
DOI:  10.52626/jg.v6i1.225
Chika Putri Nuralifah, Syarifah Izzatul Maula, Ilham Aji Pangestu, Muhammad Mpu Samudra
71 - 82
The basis for judges' considerations in imposing criminal punishment that are relatively light for convicts in cases of valuable goods proceeding
DOI:  10.52626/jg.v6i1.228
Dimas Arif Tri Kurniawan, Muhammad Iqbal, Anhar Nasution, Jummaidi Saputra, Wiradmadinata Wiradmadinata
83 - 94
Police and the prosecutor's effort on supervision social help during the covid-19 pandemic
DOI:  10.52626/jg.v6i1.233
Budi S.H. Bahreisy, Yusrizal Hasbi, Zulkifli S.H.,M.H., Hadi Iskandar, Ferdy Saputra, Romi Asmara
95 - 108